MembershipWorks - Get Started

Payment Gateway Choices & Integration

Setting up your payment gateway integration with MembershipWorks will allow you to process credit card transactions through your website. The gateway will send these collected funds to your bank account. You’ll need to use one of the three gateways we integrate with —, Stripe, PayPal Pro, or PayPal Checkout. If you don’t already have a gateway, see our comparison article, Stripe vs PayPal vs

    Set Up Stripe
    1. Sign up for or sign into your Stripe account at
    2. If you have not already done so activate your Stripe account
    3. Select Stripe as your Payment Gateway under MembershipWorks > Organization Settings > Integration > Payments
    4. Click the Connect Stripe button
    5. Follow the prompts to allow access to the functions of your Stripe account required for processing payments on your behalf.

    Set currency

    Stripe setup issues? See MembershipWorks > Help > Billing Setup > Setup Your Payment Gateway > Stripe Setup FAQ. Also feel free to reach out for support.

    Set Up PayPal Payflow Pro

    You will need a Paypal Payflow Pro account. If you need automatic recurring billing for memberships you will also need to signup for Recurring Payments. Note that these services incur monthly fees with Paypal. Please be aware that the standard or business versions of PayPal is not sufficient for this integration. However, our PayPal Checkout integration will work with the business version of PayPal. Usually, the easiest way to tell if you have the PayPal Pro is that you are paying a monthly fee for their service (usually around $25-60 a month).

    Step 1: Create API User

    Sign in to Paypal Manager and navigate to Account Administration > Manage Users. Create a user – this user will only be used for our system to process transactions. Use a suitable contact name, email address, user login and a long randomly generated password (we recommend minimum 20 characters). Select “API_FULL_TRANSACTIONS” under Predefined Role, and “Active” for the User Status.

    PayPal Payflow Pro Create API User

    Step 2: Add Credentials

    Once this user is created, from our system go to Organization Settings > Integration > Payments and select “Paypal Payflow Pro” for the payment gateway. Enter the user login and user password for the new user you just created. Under Merchant login and Partner, enter the same merchant login and partner that you used to sign in to Paypal Manager. Click on “check if your API keys are valid” to make sure your API keys are correct (note this only verifies if the API keys are correct, it cannot verify if your Paypal account is configured properly). Then click Save & Continue.

    Add Paypal Payflow credentials 

    Step 3: Check Transaction Settings

    If you have not yet done so, from Paypal Manager go to Account Administration > Manage Security and ensure your security settings are suitable for the transaction amounts you will be processing.

    Paypal Payflow Check Transaction Settings

    Final Testing

    Test your Paypal Payflow Pro integration by actually signing up as a member on your website. You can always refund your own credit card afterwards. This is the only way to be assured that your signup form works. Make sure the transactions appear on the account timeline and the renewal date is updated correctly after signing up. Please allow 1 business day for automatic recurring billing payments to be processed by Paypal.

    Set Up PayPal Website Payments Pro

    You will need a Paypal Website Payments Pro account. If you need automatic recurring billing for memberships you will also need to signup for Recurring Payments. Note that these services incur monthly fees with Paypal. Please be aware that we do not integrate with the standard or business versions of PayPal. Usually, the easiest way to tell if you have the PayPal Pro is that you are paying a monthly fee for their service (usually around $30-60 a month).

    Step 1: Obtain Credentials

    After logging into your Paypal account, click on the Settings (gear) icon in the top (right) toolbar. Then click on My Selling Tools.

    Paypal Payments Pro obtain credentials

    Under API access click Update then click the link under NVP/SOAP API integration (Classic). Note down the API UsernameAPI Password and Signature. If you see a Certificate instead of Signature, you will need to delete the certificate (if you are not using the certificate with any other system) and request new API credentials.

    Step 2: Setup IPN

    Return to My Selling Tools on the settings page. Next, click on the link under Instant payment notifications. Click the Choose IPN Settings button. Enter “” in the Notification URL, enable Receive IPN messages (Enabled), then click Save.

    Paypal Payments Pro Setup IPN

    Step 3: Add Credentials

    From our system navigate to Organization Settings > Integration > Payments. Select “Paypal Website Payments Pro” as the payment gateway then enter the API UsernameAPI Password, and Signature. Click on “check if your API keys are valid” to make sure the API keys you entered are correct. Then click Save & Continue:

    Paypal Payments Pro Add Credentials

    Final Testing

    Test your Paypal Website Payments Pro integration by actually signing up as a member on your website. You can always refund your own credit card afterwards. This is the only way to be assured that your signup form works. Make sure the transactions appear on the account timeline and the renewal date is updated correctly after signing up. Please allow 1 business day for automatic recurring billing payments to be processed by Paypal.

    Set Up PayPal Checkout - Beta

    With PayPal Checkout, users making payments on your website can choose to:

    • Pay with their Paypal account, or
    • Pay with their debit or credit card, or
    • Pay with other eligible payment methods such as Venmo, Pay Later, Paypal Credit (note that eligibility is determined automatically by Paypal, depending on the user and location).

    MembershipWorks integration with PayPal Checkout is currently in beta.

    Paypal Checkout payment choices

    You’ll need a Paypal Business account to use Paypal Checkout. Paypal does not charge a monthly fee for Paypal Checkout, but your organization will still be charged Paypal transaction fees. These transaction fees are higher than the fees with PayPal Pro. Learn more about the differences between Checkout and Pro.

    How to use Paypal Checkout

    1. Go to, click “Login to Dashboard” and login with your Paypal business account credentials.
    2. Navigate to “My Apps & Credentials”.
    3. Click on “Live” in the Sandbox/Live selector and click Create App under the “REST API apps” section.
    4. Under “App Name” enter “MembershipWorks” and click Create App.
      PayPal app name
    5. Note down the Client ID and Secret (click “Show” to see the Secret).
    6. Under the Live App Settings check just “Accept payments” and “Transaction Search” then click Save.
    7. In MembershipWorks navigate to Organization Settings > Integration. Under Payments select Paypal Checkout as the Payment Gateway, then enter the Client ID and Secret from step 5. Click Save & Continue at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

    Learn more about PayPal Checkout.

    Set Up

    Step 1: Add Credentials

    From our system, navigate to Organization Settings > Integration > Payments. Select “” as the payment gateway, enter your API Login ID and Transaction Key. Then click the Save & Continue button at the bottom of the page. API Credentials

    Step 2: Setup Silent Post URL

    Sign in to your account, click on the Accounts tab, then click on the Silent Post URL link. Here you will need to setup to notify us when recurring membership payments occur, by entering “” in the URL box: Setup Silent Post URL

    Step 3: Update Transaction Submission Settings

    Go to the Accounts tab, click on Payment Form, then Form Fields. Uncheck any fields set to “required”. And click the Submit button to save the settings.

    Step 4: Enable Automatic Recurring Billing

    Note that if you use Automatic Recurring Billing for your membership levels, you must be subscribed to Automatic Recurring Billing with You may also need to enable it from your control panel – go to Account > User Profile > Edit Profile Information and enable Automatic Recurring Billing.

    Step 5: Enable Customer Information Manager

    This step is required if:

    a) You provided a Public Client Key in Step 1 and want to process Automatic Recurring billing

    b) You want to be able to charge a card on file (Automatic Recurring billing) directly from the Timeline of a member’s account

    Go to the Tools tab and click on Customer Information Manager on the left menu. If CIM is not enabled you will see a form with a link to sign up for CIM. Click on the link and follow the prompts accordingly to enable CIM.

    Public Client Key

    If you provide the Public Client Key, we will use the Accept.js method to tokenize credit card information. This reduces PCI DSS scope for you as the merchant.

    Final Testing

    Test your integration by actually signing up as a member on your website. You can always refund your own credit card afterwards. This is the only way to be assured that your signup form works. Make sure the transactions appear on the account timeline and the renewal date is updated correctly after signing up. Please allow 1 business day for automatic recurring billing payments to be processed by

    Test Your Membership Sign-Up Form

    Once you have integrated your payment gateway, set up your membership level(s) and added your membership sign-up form to your website, we highly recommend that you run a test payment through your website to ensure the integration is working properly.

    How to Test Your Payment Gateway

    The simplest way to do this is to create a test billing option for your membership level in which you can set the billing option to a nominal amount such as $1. You can then test signing up as a member from your site using this billing option.It’s important to make sure you see the transaction from your test end up in your payment gateway. That will show you that the connection between MembershipWorks and your gateway is working.

    Once you have successfully tested your payment integration we recommend that you follow the steps below to delete the billing option.

    1. Go to Members and open your test member account
    2. Click on the Membership Billing tab
    3. Click Update
    4. Select Manual Billing
    5. Click Save
    6. Go to Labels & Membership and open the level you set up the test billing option for
    7. Click on the Billing Options tab
    8. Click on the test billing option and select Delete

    A few important notes:

    1. You can refund your test payment in MembershipWorks. However, we recommend that you process a small test payment as your payment gateway may not refund the transaction fee that was incurred from the payment processed.
    2. Before testing the payment integration we recommend that you ensure your website has an SSL certificate installed and all pages are loading over “https”. In some cases such as Stripe you may find that if you attempt to process the payment you will receive an error message due to the site not being secure.

    Test Your Membership Sign-Up Form Without Integrating With a Payment Gateway

    To test your membership sign-up form before you have integrated with a payment gateway, you must add at least one billing option that is not a credit card option. Credit card billing options will not display on the sign-up form until you integrate with a payment gateway.

    Add an offline billing option to test the sign-up form without a payment gateway
    The instructions below will step you through adding an offline billing option so you will be able to test the Membership Sign-Up form without integrating with a payment gateway. If you do not want to offer an offline billing option such as a “Pay by check” option to your members, you can disable this after testing your sign-up form.

    To add an offline billing option:

    1. Go to MembershipWorks > Labels & Membership > Membership Levels
    2. Click on a membership level on the right
    3. Click the Billing Options tab at the top
    4. Click + Add Billing Option
    5. Next to Billing description, enter Pay by check
    6. Next to Payment method, select Offline from the dropdown
    7. Next to Pricing, enter the price for this membership level and select the applicable interval (e.g. month(s), year(s)) from the dropdown next to this
    8. Click Save and then click Close

    To disable or delete the offline billing option after testing:

    1. Go to MembershipWorks > Labels & Membership > Membership Levels
    2. Click on a membership level on the right
    3. Click the Billing Options tab at the top
    4. Click on the Offline billing option
    5. To disable the option, click to uncheck Allow members to select this billing option and click Save. To delete the billing option entirely, click Delete at the bottom of the box.

    Note: If you test your membership sign-up form and select to pay offline/pay by check, your new member account will be seen as past due until you record that you have received the payment.

    To mark an offline payment as received:

    1. Go to MembershipWorks > Members and click on the new member’s account.
    2. Click the Renew button above the member’s timeline
    3. Next to Action, keep Record payment received selected in the dropdown
    4. Next to Admin notes, enter the payment details (e.g. check #, or test payment, etc)
    5. Click to select Send payment receipt email (optional)
    6. Click Save