MembershipWorks - Get Started

Recording a Manual Payment for Membership

Follow these steps to record a manual payment for membership for a new member who signed up offline or when a member is within their renewal period. If you or the member created an invoice, please see instructions on this page instead. You will need to record renewals manually when:

  • Members make an offline or check payment to you, and you need to update the account accordingly to reflect that you have received the payment and that the member’s account is in good standing.
  • The member has provided their credit card information directly to you to process the renewal on their behalf.
To Record or Process a Renewal

Search for the member in your Members folder and click on their record. From the member’s Timeline tab, click on the “Renew” button. Note that you will not see the button if the member is on a free membership, has not yet been assigned a membership level, or if the member is on automatic recurring billing (in which case renewals are made automatically).

On the renewal form you will see the following sections:

  • Date
    If you are recording a payment you have already received (such as a check payment you have deposited), set this to the date when you deposited the payment. If you are processing a payment, leave this as today’s date (default).
  • Action
    If you received a check or offline payment, and are just updating the member’s account to reflect that, select “Record payment received”. If you have the member’s credit card information and need to charge that credit card, select “Charge amount to a credit card”.
  • Renewal Rate
    Here you can select one of the billing options you have created for the membership level. The settings for the selected billing option will be used to calculate the amount and the member’s new membership expiration date. For example, if you offer a monthly billing option and an annual billing option, and this member is paying for an annual renewal, you should select the annual billing option. If you have multiple billing options with the same amount and settings, then it does not matter which one you choose. Note that you can still edit the calculated amount and membership expiration date below. For example, if you are offering a special discount to that member.
  • New Membership Expiration Date
    This should be the member’s new membership expiration date after the renewal payment has been deposited or processed.
  • Line Items
    This will be populated by default based on the member’s current membership level/add-ons and the billing option you selected under “Renewal Rate”. You can modify the amount and items here as desired.
  • Gross Amount
    This is the total amount paid, which is the sum of the line items plus tax. This is not editable directly – to alter this amount you will need to update the line items or tax.
  • Tax
    The tax amount is automatically calculated from the line item sub-total based on the member’s address and your tax rules. You can override the amount if necessary.

In addition to these sections, if you had selected “Charge amount to a credit card” as the action, you will see a section where you can enter the information for the credit card to be charged.

When you click Save to finish recording the renewal, the following will take place:

  1. In the “Action” section of the renewal form, if you had selected “Charge amount to a credit card”, the credit card that was provided will be charged for the amount indicated under “Gross Amount”.
  2. The account’s Next Renewal Date will be moved to the date indicated under the renewal form’s “New Membership Expiration Date”.
  3. The actions for the membership level under “when member renews online, add to” and “when member renews online, remove from” will be applied.
For a New Member Not Yet Created in MembershipWorks

Use these steps when you need to enter a new member account that signed up with your organization offline, not through MembershipWorks.

  1. Go to MembershipWorks > Members and click the Add button at the top
  2. Enter the member’s contact information and click Add Account. This will move you to the member’s Profile tab where you can enter more information if needed.
  3. Click the Membership Billing tab at the top
  4. Click the dropdown that has “No membership” selected and select the applicable membership level for this new member
  5. Keep “Manual billing” selected 
  6. Optional: select “Send new member welcome email” (this will include a welcome message and their login credentials) 
  7. Click Save
  8. Choose the next steps from one of the options below:

Option 1: If you received payment for the new member offline:

    1. From the member’s Timeline, click the Renew button that’s above the timeline dates
    2. Follow the steps for “To Record or Process a Renewal” above

Option 2: If you have not received payment, or do not need to record a payment for the new member, proceed to entering a renewal date for the member’s account:

    1. Click the Timeline tab at the top to go to the member’s timeline
    2. Click the Create New Entry button above the member’s timeline
    3. Next to “Type”, select “Next Renewal Date” from the dropdown
    4. Next to “Date”, enter the date their membership should expire (e.g. Apr 29 2025) 
    5. Click Save